Best of the Best

If you need me this weekend (from Sept 1 2011)

This weekend I am setting out to try a new adventure.  Well, not necessarily new, I just haven't done it in almost ten years!  But the new part is doing it  somewhat by myself!  Yup, I am going camping!  Why? you wonder? why not?

A few months ago I was talking to a good friend about my need to take breaks from the family.  I didn't want to travel extravagantly, or spend tons of money in hotel rooms just so I could get a night of uninterrupted sleep.  He suggested that I buy a tent and start camping.  To him this sounded like a logical idea, but I had to remind him that for a man, this was not big deal, but for a woman, it wasn't necessarily the safest choice to make.  I don't think I would feel comfortable unless I was camping in my sister's yard..., and that pretty much defeated the point.  This really bugged me though!  My friend has spent a vacation biking around Prince Edward Island, he camped and enjoyed the solitude.  I was jealous!  I wanted that!  Honestly though, I'm not sure I could handle it though either.  The only other time that I had traveled by myself was with my old job, and it was weird to be in a hotel room just with myself for company. Luckily, I had lots of work to keep me busy.  This made me sad.  It made me wonder why can't I be by myself?

A month ago I overheard my sister's friends planning their annual camping trip.  They go twice a year up to a friends property upstate and camp for four days.  It has evolved into an "event" equipped with a pig roast, Chicken BBQ and rumored a truck with four kegs on tap. (not that i am a beer drinker) So I thought to myself, this would be perfect.  I could bring my own tent, camp out and partake in the activities in the manner I best saw fit. So I wiggled my way on the invite list and now this weekend is here!

I have to admit, I am pretty excited!  I can't remember the last time I had to only pack and plan for just myself!  I have enjoyed being self sufficient planning and packing and plan to really relax and enjoy myself!  If I want to go for a run, I can, whenever I want!  If I want to just sit and read..... I CAN!  Sure for the younger campers its more about the food and beverages, I on the other hand will get to experience a quasi solo camping trip with in the safety of a group!  Its not about reliving my youth... or running away (okay maybe a little), but more about something that I personally want to do for myself! Plus, I'll have my camera.. and sure to get some good shots of some pretty funny sh&t!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bartending Lessons

Life Lessons aquired from being a bartender

  • A person is not defined by what they drink but how they drink it.
  • Tips do matter
  • Never go out with man who asks you the first time in, after a few weeks you will see his true nature
  • People are more than what they walk through the door showing you
  • Quick fixes are non exsistant
  • People will always push the limit (you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here)
  • A smile and good sense of humor can defuse most any situation
  • Cops can be your friends
  • Be careful how you advertise (ask us about our daily special!!)
  • Never discuss politics or religion over beer
  • Always know what you are putting in your mouth

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10 Signs its time to Wean your child

  1. while nursing she reaches across to the other breast and proceeds to "tune in Tokyo"
  2. breastfeeding support groups cancel your membership 
  3. teeth 
  4. after finishing nursing she smacks her lips and says "mmm good" 
  5. while out to eat, she orders "nursey" for her appetizer
  6. the last thing you want is someone else touching you... anywhere...
  7. your boobs are exposed so often, neighbors are giving you tips 
  8. she has figured out how to unstrap your nursing bra faster than your husband. 
  9. the glitter on your nipples is from her cherry lip gloss
  10. while nursing her at your desk, she is checking her face book page

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Phoot Challenge 21 (making up for lost time)

*Day 21*: A picture of something you wish you could forget.

 There are quite a few that I would rather not recall, but I will list them here because otherwise my father will have to come out of the blogging closet and post all about them! (He loves to discuss this stuff at family holidays!)
  • There is the one that is still loving referred to as "shit head".  I don't necessarily want to forget him, just the nick name that my father gave him and the every year Thanksgiving tale.
  • There is the one that might have turned out to be a serial killer, not sure, and don't really want to find out.
  • Then there was the one who was so full of himself that he couldn't be bothered to bring me a milkshake, while I laid in my hospital bed after crashing my car around a tree.
  • There is also the one that dumped me because I wouldn't have sex with him, and who now works with my husband on occasion, so i am forced to be ridiculed by him calling him my boyfriend. 
  • Of course there was also the one that slept with all the girls I worked with.  
So, yes, I do have a long line of exes, however, after reading the above list, you can see that my judgment wasn't always the best, so i had to work on it.

So dad, did i miss anyone? LOL!  Love you! 

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