Monday, January 26, 2015

People see what they want to see

After an exhausting conversation yesterday, one in which I heard all about my faults, all my weaknesses and naturally all the demons in my life,  I was spent. Although I knew that what was being said was not true, it still hit a nerve and dug up all my own insecurities and doubts about my life and the choices I have made.

That is what people we care about can do to us.
That is how people who know us are hurtful.

This morning however, on a good nights sleep, a hot shower and a delicious cup of coffee I was thinking about this conversation and going over it and over it in my head. Wondering why it hurt so much? I was doubting my self awareness and decisions. Finally, I had this thought that people in my life see me in all varying ways.

There are those that see me as a grounded, spiritual person.
There are those that see me as a professional, determined and organized person.
There are those that see me as a dedicated mother, and advocate for her children.
There are those that see me as a free spirit, a creative uplifting energy.
There are those that see me as a strong independent woman.
Then there are those that only see negative attributes in me.

I was reminded that people see what they want to see. They look to others for purpose to fill in their own lives. Sometimes that is for support, or empowerment, other times its to make themselves feel better about their own choices.

I also reminded myself that I am all of those things, good and bad and that that's okay. I am a work in progress, a story unfinished... and most of all an example to those that I love.

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